[nycbug-talk] NYCBUG cvsup server

George R. george at sddi.net
Sun Jul 30 00:17:00 EDT 2006

Pete Wright wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 08:16:31AM -0400, Dan Langille wrote:
>> On 28 Jul 2006 at 8:59, Peter Wright wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>>      I'm very pleased to annouce the availability of NycBUG's very own
>>> cvsup server for FreeBSD is available for use by our members!  It is
>>> our hope that this machine will eventually become an official FreeBSD
>>> mirror, yet before I make any annoucements to hubs@ I'd like to give
>>> our members a first crack at this box.  So, feel free to do your
>>> nightly /usr/src and /usr/ports sync's off of:
>>> freebsd.nycbug.org
>>> Once again I'd like to thank New York Internet <www.nyi.net> for donating
>>> bandwidth and rackspace to our BUG - and the community in large.  And our
>>> very own Gman for donating the gear.  Thanks guys, I couldn't have slacked
>>> off at work for hours setting this up if it wasn't for you ;^)
>> NYI offerred to help me out when I thought I was losing the hosting 
>> for FreshPorts/FreeBSD Diary/etc.  Good place.
>> Peter: What is your upstream for the cvsup server?
> okan touched on the bandwidth.  we are mirroring off of cvsup8.us now,
> hoping to get official access soon.
>> FWIW, the NYCBUG server is faster for me than cvsup.ca.freebsd.org 
>> here in Ottawa.  Both servers are 13 hops away.
> yea, nyi rocks huh?

Well, what is interesting is that there are rumors that lots of
canadians are using ftp2.usa for OpenBSD in our colo.

We have been trying to get a NetBSD mirror up and running for a long
while. . . maybe we'll be successful soon.  No, it's a question of
hardware, not technical prowess. . .

I would like to see this FBSD mirror do some archiving. . . I mean,
something like ftp-archive.. . . it's got plenty of space, right Petee?


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