[nycbug-talk] fun one liners

Peter Wright pete at nomadlogic.org
Thu Jun 8 16:43:40 EDT 2006

> On 6/8/06, Pete Wright <pete at nomadlogic.org> wrote:
>> although one guy posted this:
>> % fstat | grep 'httpd.*/var ' | awk '{print $6}' | xargs -n 1 sudo find
>> \
>> -x /var -inum | sort -u
> That is indeed awesome. Although, you could optimize it by moving the
> sort after the awk, since it looks like httpd has lots of different
> pids accessing the same inode. I'm squirreling it away.

ahh good point that'd probably be true for any daemonized process like
httpd which is going to be sharing lot's of common data b/w themselves....

> Given a ip1.txt, a text file that has a list of ip addresses in it,
> the following will put them in order:
> awk -F. '{print $1*65536+$2*256+$3 " " $0}' ip1.txt | sort -n | cut -f
> 2- -d ' ' > sorted.txt
> Stolen from: http://articles.involution.com/clguide.html

heh nice..much better than the ugly perl one liners i use to do this ;)


Peter Wright
pete at nomadlogic.org

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