[nycbug-talk] what are your usefull hacks, the real simple ones

michael lists at genoverly.net
Sun May 7 09:50:58 EDT 2006

On Sun, 7 May 2006 02:21:12 -0400
"Marc Spitzer" <mspitzer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well I was curious how out of wack my installed ports were, after a
> portsnap update, and came up with this:
> pkg_version|awk '{ a[$2]++} END {for (i in a) { print i ,a[i]}}'
> to give me a sumery, which got refined into this bash function:
> pkg_version () { /usr/sbin/pkg_version $@ |
>      awk '{ a[$2]++; print $0 } END {print ""; for (i in a) { print
> i ,a[i]}}'; }
> which now sits in my .bash_profile/.profile.
> any other short and quick hacks out there?
> marc

/usr/local/sbin/portversion -v -l "<"

portversion is in ports.



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