[nycbug-talk] Daemonnews?

George R. george at sddi.net
Wed Sep 27 16:29:21 EDT 2006

Mikel King wrote:
> All,
> 	It seems that the server upon which we were hosting has snuffed it.  
> George Sutter and Chris Coleman have restored the backups to another  
> box and we are currently limping along on one of our mirrors; http:// 
> www2.daemonnews.org which as you can see is not fully up yet.  I am  
> working on getting our MySql backend mirrored as well as finagling a  
> permanent box or two of our own.
> 	Thanks in advance to anyone who'd like to step forward and give us a  
> hand.

And as an FYI. . .

YES, we have offered many times to provide hosting/rack space for DN. ..

We are always interested in utilizing it for the community.


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