[nycbug-talk] Top Level Domain SSL Certificates

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Fri Feb 29 11:41:59 EST 2008

On Feb 29, 2008, at 11:30 AM, Matt Juszczak wrote:

> Hopefully this isn't going too off topic:
> One of my customers is interested in getting an SSL cert for his  
> entire
> domain name (IE: *.bar.com instead of foo.bar.com).
> Other than being more expensive, and in my opinion not the best idea
> security wise, what are other pros/cons?  Does anyone have any  
> experience?
> Do these work well?

As a user and assurer for CACert <http://www.cacert.org/> perhaps  
using CACert
is attractive.  Free certs, but not necessarily recognized by all  
browsers.  Whether
or not CACert is an option for you depends up on who will be using  
the certs
and under what circumstances.  I'm not even sure if you can get a  
wild carded
cert from CACert.  But perhaps issues the certs you need, for free,  
is what you
want instead of wildcarding.


Dan Langille -- http://www.langille.org/
dan at langille.org

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