[nycbug-talk] OpenLDAP Server on FreeBSD-9

nycbug at wynn.com nycbug at wynn.com
Tue Jul 24 13:42:08 EDT 2012

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Subject: Re: [nycbug-talk] OpenLDAP Server on FreeBSD-9
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Subject: Re: [nycbug-talk] OpenLDAP Server on FreeBSD-9
To: Edward Capriolo <edlinuxguru at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 13:40:37 -0400 (EDT)
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[ Charset ISO-8859-1 unsupported, converting... ]
> First look at your ldap.conf (not the client settings) the one that
> control the openldap daemon. What generally happens is schema's are
> not enabled be default. Thus the attribute uid may be defined in the
> cosine.schema. If the ldap system you are migrating from is very old
> the schema's may have changed as well. In that case you may have to
> try to resolve the difference (emailAddress has been replaced by
> emailAdr) this may involve sed or other hackery. Note: some schemas
> depend on others.


Actually I am not migrating from another LADP.  This is a new install.  I am
migrating from /etc/passwd /etc/master.passwd.  I generated the LDIF file
using the PADL tools for migration because I could not find any clear info on
what the schema for passwd needed to be.  Once I can get my entry loaded with
the bogus password field.  I will put together my own little bit of AWK to
generate a proper entry from /etc/master.passwd as I presume the encrypted 
password really needs to be in the LDAP DB.

I will take a look at the config file (basic stock from the isntall with as
I recall the names changed to match my site) and see what that brings based
upon your advice above.


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