[nycbug-talk] zfs/pgsql brain dump

Glen Barber gjb at FreeBSD.org
Wed Sep 4 22:16:17 EDT 2013

I wasn't there, but I'll never turn up an opportunity to argue with you.

On Wed, Sep 04, 2013 at 07:55:13PM -0400, Charles Sprickman wrote:
> *reduce the ARC to leave some RAM for PG, on a 32GB host, I have
> this in loader.conf: vfs.zfs.arc_max="16G"

pjd wrote up some configurations he recommends, if it is useful:


In his notes, he states that vm.kmem_size should be about 150% of RAM,
and vfs.zfs.arc_max should be about 50% (as you have it).

> *SSDs in general, keep spares, if you have no budget for a few
> dozen SAS drives, having a ton of hot spares is still orders of
> magnitude cheaper.  Intel 320s are safe as are their new semi-enterprise
> line (can't remember the model at the moment, ask me if you're
> curious and I'll dig it up)

Intel 335?

> Feel free to argue with any of the above. :)

Hrm.  I must be losing my touch.  This wasn't much arguing at all, was
it?  :-)


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