[talk] How I stopped worrying, and learned to love GPG

Michael W. Lucas mwlucas at blackhelicopters.org
Sat Feb 21 21:04:19 EST 2015

On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 08:33:26PM -0500, George Rosamond wrote:
> Maybe not, but when the 'effect' hit journalists in particular, the book
> was pretty dated.

Certainly. I would declare the book obsolete, except it still sells
that 1 copy a month. And what would we do with the 3000 unsold copies?

> I disagree strongly, at least to the significant anecdotal stuff I know
> directly and indirectly.

I'm delighted to hear that.


Michael W. Lucas  -  mwlucas at michaelwlucas.com, Twitter @mwlauthor 
http://www.MichaelWLucas.com/, http://blather.MichaelWLucas.com/

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