[talk] Open source laptop

Sujit K M sjt.kar at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 05:04:03 EST 2015

Hi Mark,

>  I saw this today on  slashdot and somewhere else, either way . It has
> some interesting bits but I was 1/2 expecting it to be a ARM and not an
> intel x86 isa.  What are you thoughts on why no one has built a arm
> laptop in this market with more then 2G of ram and a decent amount of
> internal storage

Something like this. When I used ARM7V and ARM9V there was a crazy
concept like bogo mips which is the number of cycles the processor cannot
guarentee process anything. What I found was It causes performance hits
when you add Memory/Storage etc. But I am not sure about this. Even
I had raised a thread where I wanted to know about ARM Tablets @talk,
eventually If that can be broadened to an ARM Processor with laptop capability.
Even I am interested in owning a ARM Laptop. But cost might be the other
thing too.

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