[talk] Teaching BSD to students

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Sat Oct 3 20:29:47 EDT 2015

George Neville-Neil:
> On 2 Oct 2015, at 20:44, Brian Callahan wrote:
>> A keeping everyone up to date email!
>> I did a guest lecture/lab course last Friday in RPI's Open Source
>> (freshman/sophomore) course. The goal of the lab was to submit a doc
>> fix to FreeBSD or OpenBSD:
>> https://github.com/rcos/CSCI2961-01/blob/master/Labs/Lab4.Md
>> It resulted in 2 diffs to OpenBSD and over 20 to FreeBSD.
>> The FreeBSD Foundation wants to use it as a base to develop their own
>> stand-alone class on the topic, and I've been asked to write up a
>> paragraph or two for their next newsletter.
>> Anyhow, it was fun and neat and different. And the kids seemed to like
>> it. This seems to be a positive, effective way to plant the seed of
>> BSD into the next generation.
> Excellent!  The Foundation is also developing materials to share with
> various
> folks intersted in teaching at all levels.  I'll post here once our
> University
> level materials are on line.


Maybe you could explain more details on the angle on the course
materials, such as education level, etc.

I'm currently in the realm of elementary school through high school
students, so I'm very curious to hear more.


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