[talk] NAS hardware

Ipsen S Ripsbusker ipsens at ripsbusker.no.eu.org
Sat Mar 30 12:08:42 EDT 2019

On Sat, Mar 30, 2019, at 07:25, Ipsen S Ripsbusker wrote:
> It seems that the good options are all way bigger than I want,
> in terms both of size and of power. I am thus thinking about getting one
> big computer and running several virtual machines. This replaces the
> main OpenBSD computer, the proposed NAS, the three GNU/Linux computers
> that I have for USB device support, and the switches that connect
> these devices. Maybe I will even replace the OPNSense hardware, and
> then I will only have one ethernet cable (and no wifi) in my office.
> Because I am fed up with unsupported hardware, I am inclined towards one
> of the fully free systems, like Vikings Workstation or Raptor Talos.
> But neither of these have Intel CPUs, so I won't be able to use PCI
> passthrough on bhyve, and I consequently won't be able to run these USB
> devices on a GNU/Linux guest on bhyve (I think).
> Does anyone have other ideas for virtualization, or other comments
> on this setup?

After further research, I think I can run it just all of my devices
just fine with OpenBSD on a Vikings Workstation:

* One device is a Logitech BRIO, the only 1080P camera that
  I found to be supported by any free operating system. But
  I see now that ThinkPenguin sells one that should work
  on OpenBSD. [*]
* One is a printer that I never got working on OpenBSD.
  Either I keep my print server, or I get printing working.
* I wanted FreeBSD for ZFS, but I'm doing just fine without ZFS.
* It should be easy for me to port the remaining devices' drivers.
* I will stick with a separate firewall, because I prefer
  not to live life on the edge.

[*] https://www.thinkpenguin.com/gnu-linux/full-1080p1536p-hd-usb-webcam-w-noise-canceling-microphone-tpe-1536hdcam

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