[announce] NYC*BUG Upcoming: Dec 1 Holiday Party

NYC*BUG Announcements announce at lists.nycbug.org
Wed Nov 19 12:12:58 EST 2014

Yes, the web site will be updated.  But you're getting the news here
direct first.

There will be a city-wide technical user group "Annual NYC Tech Holiday
Meta-Party" on December 1 starting at 7 PM.

It will be at Clyde Frazier's Wine and Dine at 485 10th Avenue.  A few
dozen NYC user group's are hosting, including NYC*BUG.

You *must* RSVP for the event to rsvp-dec AT nycbug DOT org


We haven't yet planned a meeting for Dec 7, but are considering
something informal.

The January 7 meeting will be Eric Radman on "Designing Versatile Unix


Note that the meeting on the new edition of "The Design and Development
of the FreeBSD Operating System with George Neville-Neil and Pearson
will be happening early in 2015.  We postponed the meeting since we want
to find the ideal location, and not compete with the holiday party
season.  Stay tuned for more details.

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