From announce at Sat Jan 2 14:18:50 2016 From: announce at (NYC*BUG Announcements) Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2016 14:18:50 -0500 Subject: [announce] NYC*BUG Wednesday, Jan 6 Message-ID: Welcome to 2016. This January 6th's meeting will be an installfest, with a portion of Kirk McKusick's "Introduction to the FreeBSD Open Source Operating System LiveLessons" in the background. February 3rd will be Ike on shell-fu, focused on the powerful portability of the UNIX shell. Other upcoming meetings include debuggers and the BSD init/rc system. Wednesday, January 6 - BSD Installfest, various regulars 18:45, Stone Creek Bar & Lounge: 140 E 27th St between Lexington and 3rd Avenues. Abstract A chance to dip your toes in the *BSD waters! Want to try out some embedded Hardware? Novices, and Expert-Novices are all welcome! This is a good opportunity to bring in a laptop (maybe with a spare disk), or other hardware to hack on. There will be some embedded ARM hardware on hand, (Beaglebone and RaspberryPI), for curious folks who haven't touched these platforms. Do you have a spare laptop lying around? Do you have a Beaglebone or RaspberryPi rotting in your desk drawer? Lets get it lit with a *BSD! Various levels of experienced *BSD users will be on hand to help get a system up and running, and generally hack around on hardware. Materials to bring: Some kind of computer Some kind of spare disk or even USB memory stick media (optional) If you can, bring install media to share! (Nothing fancy, just grab useful bits from your desk drawer.) Materials which will be on site: ethernet networking gear (a small switch) Power Strips, and Extension Cords, etc A USB CD/DVD r/w drive, blank media A spare Beaglebone and RaspberryPI will be on site Additionally, we will be streaming McKusick's "Introduction to the FreeBSD Open Source Operating System LiveLessons" videos, complements of Pearson. This month, the meeting will be run by the usual cast of NYC*BUG attendees. Regular NYC*BUG attendees range in experiences from Sys/Ops folks, to committers and software developers from the BSD Projects. There will definately be folks on hand with experience using Beaglebone/RaspberryPI, Soekris, PCEngines ALIX/APU, and it almost goes without saying, regular X86 architectures in server and laptop form. NYC*BUG doesn't have record of many official installfests since 2004, this should be fun! From announce at Wed Jan 6 08:35:18 2016 From: announce at (NYC*BUG Announcements) Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 08:35:18 -0500 Subject: [announce] NYC*BUG Installfest Tonight Message-ID: This January 6th's meeting will be an installfest, with a portion of Kirk McKusick's "Introduction to the FreeBSD Open Source Operating System LiveLessons" in the background. February 3rd will be Ike on shell-fu, focused on the powerful portability of the UNIX shell. Other upcoming meetings include debuggers and the BSD init/rc system. Wednesday, January 6 - BSD Installfest, various regulars 18:45, Stone Creek Bar & Lounge: 140 E 27th St between Lexington and 3rd Avenues. Abstract A chance to dip your toes in the *BSD waters! Want to try out some embedded Hardware? Novices, and Expert-Novices are all welcome! This is a good opportunity to bring in a laptop (maybe with a spare disk), or other hardware to hack on. There will be some embedded ARM hardware on hand, (Beaglebone and RaspberryPI), for curious folks who haven't touched these platforms. Do you have a spare laptop lying around? Do you have a Beaglebone or RaspberryPi rotting in your desk drawer? Lets get it lit with a *BSD! Various levels of experienced *BSD users will be on hand to help get a system up and running, and generally hack around on hardware. Materials to bring: Some kind of computer Some kind of spare disk or even USB memory stick media (optional) If you can, bring install media to share! (Nothing fancy, just grab useful bits from your desk drawer.) Materials which will be on site: ethernet networking gear (a small switch) Power Strips, and Extension Cords, etc A USB CD/DVD r/w drive, blank media A spare Beaglebone and RaspberryPI will be on site Additionally, we will be streaming McKusick's "Introduction to the FreeBSD Open Source Operating System LiveLessons" videos, complements of Pearson. This month, the meeting will be run by the usual cast of NYC*BUG attendees. Regular NYC*BUG attendees range in experiences from Sys/Ops folks, to committers and software developers from the BSD Projects. There will definately be folks on hand with experience using Beaglebone/RaspberryPI, Soekris, PCEngines ALIX/APU, and it almost goes without saying, regular X86 architectures in server and laptop form. NYC*BUG doesn't have record of many official installfests since 2004, this should be fun! From announce at Fri Jan 8 09:19:10 2016 From: announce at (NYC*BUG Announcements) Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 09:19:10 -0500 Subject: [announce] NYC*BUG Upcoming Message-ID: A lot of upcoming meetings are in the works, along with BSD events beyond NYC. *Conferences* March 10-13 AsiaBSDCon June 10-11 BSDCan (CFP closes January 19th) July 22-24 is HOPE (2600 Magazine), a great opportunity for BSD speakers particularly on topics related to security and privacy ( The CFP opens January 11. September, EuroBSDCon in Belgrade, Serbia ( *NYC*BUG Meetings* All meetings are at Stone Creek at 140 E 27th Street (just east of Lexington Ave) in Manhattan February 3rd Ike Levy on Shell-Fu March 2nd Raul Cuza on BSD Init/RC system We're sorting out the dates, but other topics include: * Debuggers/LLVM ( * Urchin ( * LiteBSD/RetroBSD (, * HardenedBSD ( Please email talk@ or admin@ if you have a potential meeting topic to discuss, including any recommendations. From announce at Thu Jan 14 09:04:41 2016 From: announce at (NYC*BUG Announcements) Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2016 09:04:41 -0500 Subject: [announce] NYC*BUG Announcements Message-ID: A number of things to note: * We are now hosting a mailing list for CharmBUG, a *BSD user group in Baltimore, Maryland * AsiaBSDCon (.org) is March 10-13 in Tokyo, Japan. * BSDCan (.org) is June 10-11 in Ottawa, Canada, and the call for submissions closes in five days on January 19th. * Is your company looking for summer interns? Don't hesitate to post to the NYC*BUG jobs list at * HOPE (Hackers on Planet Earth) is scheduled for July 22-24 in Manhattan. The call for participation is open, and it's a great opportunity for *BSD users and developers to speak to a broader audience ( with presentations or workshops. * Upcoming meetings include: February 3, Ike Levy on "Shell Fu" March 2, Raul Cuza on "BSD Init/RC" Other planned meetings include "Debugging with LLVM", "Urchin," "Lite and RetroBSD" and another installfest, most likely in August. From announce at Mon Jan 25 09:37:13 2016 From: announce at (NYC*BUG Announcements) Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 09:37:13 -0500 Subject: [announce] NYC*BUG Upcoming Message-ID: We said we had an exciting list of upcoming meetings--and we weren't lying. Tentatively this is the lineup, although we are still working on getting some of the details up. All meetings will (likely) be in the backroom of Stone Creek. * February 3 "shell-fu" Isaac (.ike) Levy * March 2 "Discussion of the Past and Future of PID 1 on BSD" Raul Cuza Raul's meeting is something of a reply to reaffirmation of the BSD init/rc systems, in the face of systemd * April 6 "Debugging with llvm" John Wolfe * May 4 "Urchin: Putting an End to Sloppy Shell Code" Thomas Levine * June 15 "Adventures in HardenedBSD" Shawn Webb Shawn will be coming up from Maryland for this meeting. Note the date which was set as to not conflict with BSDCan * July 6 "Meet the Smallest BSDs: RetroBSD and LiteBSD" Brian Callahan * August 3 A *BSD Installfest This installfest will happen after HOPE, and is a great meeting to publicize at HOPE. We should have fliers for this event at HOPE * Sept 7 "Teaching FreeBSD" George Neville-Neil Also note these other upcoming events: * Tokyo, Japan: AsiaBSCon, March 10-13 * Ottawa, Canada: BSDCan, June 10-11 with tutorials and the dev summit beforehand * New York, NY: HOPE (Hackers on Planet Earth), July 22-24 a great opportunity for more popular BSD-related presentations ************************ Feb 3: Isaac Levy on "shell-fu" 18:45, Stone Creek Bar & Lounge: 140 E 27th St Abstract shell-fu in 3 short talks To say everything starts with the shell, is quite an understatement. Portable shell programming does not have to be painful, exposing the raw power of UNIX with shell can even be fun. This talk is relevant for expert and novice alike, aimed at anyone who uses UNIX systems. Not the 'shell tricks' variety of talk, but a language discussion focused on portability, and showing off how simple and profoundly powerful portable shell can be. We will cover: the 3 finger claw technique using atomic filesystem operations general shell-fu, input and variable handling There is always something amazing to learn about sh(1). Speaker Bio Isaac (.ike) Levy is a crusty UNIX Hacker. A long-time community contributor to the *BSD's, ike is obsessed with high-availability and redundant networked servers systems, mostly because he likes to sleep at night. Standing on the shoulders of giants, his background includes partnering to run a Virtual Server ISP before anyone called it a cloud, as well as having a long history building internet-facing infrastructure with UNIX systems. .ike has been a part of NYC*BUG since it was first launched in January 2004. He was a long-time member of the Lower East Side Mac Unix User Group, and is still in denial that this group no longer exists. He has spoken frequently on a number of UNIX and internet security topics at various venues, particularly on the topic of FreeBSD's jail(8).