[announce] NYC*BUG Announcements

NYC*BUG Announcements announce at lists.nycbug.org
Thu Jan 14 09:04:41 EST 2016

A number of things to note:

* We are now hosting a mailing list for  CharmBUG, a *BSD user group in
Baltimore, Maryland http://lists.nycbug.org/mailman/listinfo/charmbug

* AsiaBSDCon (.org) is March 10-13 in Tokyo, Japan.

* BSDCan (.org) is June 10-11 in Ottawa, Canada, and the call for
submissions closes in five days on January 19th.

* Is your company looking for summer interns?  Don't hesitate to post to
the NYC*BUG jobs list at http://lists.nycbug.org/mailman/listinfo/jobs

* HOPE (Hackers on Planet Earth) is scheduled for July 22-24 in
Manhattan. The call for participation is open, and it's a great
opportunity for *BSD users and developers to speak to a broader audience
(http://xi.hope.net/speakers) with presentations or workshops.

* Upcoming meetings include:

February 3, Ike Levy on "Shell Fu"

March 2, Raul Cuza on "BSD Init/RC"

Other planned meetings include "Debugging with LLVM", "Urchin," "Lite
and RetroBSD" and another installfest, most likely in August.

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