[announce] Next NYC*BUG: July 10th The State of Email, By: Michael W. Lucas

NYC*BUG Announcements announce at lists.nycbug.org
Fri Jun 21 12:29:42 EDT 2024

The State of Email, By: Michael W. Lucas
2024-07-10 @ 18:45 EDT (22:45 UTC) - NYU Tandon Engineering Building (new),
370 Jay St, 7th Floor kitchen area, Brooklyn (directly across Jay St from
National Grid office). Closest subway exits in order are Jay St - MetroTech
Station (A, C, R, & F Trains) Borough Hall (4 & 5 Trains).
Notice: You should RSVP for this meeting at rsvp AT lists.nycbug.org by
July 9th. You should receive an auto response email. Your email address is
sufficient verification for entry.

"It's impossible to run your own email!" Not quite. But you must do it
carefully and correctly. This talk discusses the current state of email,
with a focus on the small independent server operator. What do you need to
run your own mail? How can you use protocols like DKIM and DMARC without
wrecking your ability to communicate with the outside world?

Based on Lucas' book "Run Your Own Mail Server." The first chapter is online

Offsite Participation: We plan to stream MWL Zoom call via NYC*BUG Website.
Q&A will be via IRC on Libera.chat channel #nycbug - Please preface your
questions with '[Q]'

Michael W. Lucas' name may ring a bell for some in the BSD community. He's
writt en several shelves of books. But for anyone who has seen him speak in
public during Ante COVID days, it was clear they are mere transcriptions of
his rambling presentations. For this NYC*BUG meeting, he is unlikely to
edit out any of his expected corny jokes we endure during his conference

More likely, you know his name from his grotesque horror fiction. In the
same way his technical books are just transcriptions of his presentations,
his fictional horror is just a simple reflection of someone who lives in a
haunted house filled with (pet) rats in Detroit.

More Info:
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