[CDBUG-talk] Meeting and such.

Garance A Drosihn drosih at rpi.edu
Mon Oct 2 15:08:32 EDT 2006

At 12:17 AM -0400 10/2/06, Jonathan Franks wrote:
>Well It's Sunday evening and I got in from PA at around 6pm or so.
>I don't know if any of you managed to pull together at Panera, but
>clearly I was unavailable. I would like to have attended a meeting,

I was there from maybe 5:45 to a little after 6pm.  Basically long
enough to eat various enjoyable flavors of sugar.  I would have
stayed longer, but I hadn't seen a definite announcement for a
meeting.  Just that we could maybe do one on that Sunday.

>I'm really excited about the surge in interest, but this group is not
>about me... it's about you... all of you. I'm happy to manage the list
>and to coordinate the meetings, but if we aren't talking to each other
>we're just not thinking like a group. I'm human and I am a pretty busy
>person... I'd like to think that if i am unable to make a meeting the
>group isn't going fizzle. Given the number of people on the list and
>the number of off list contacts I've had, this shouldn't be a
>concern.... but if nobody in the group but me knows you're there,
>there is little hope that you'll be able to organize without me.

I'm not sure what to suggest wrt meeting times and places.  The weekend
tends to work better for me than weekdays, because my work schedule
during the week is generally noon to 8 or 9pm, and I already have other
campus-related meetings that I go to on Mondays or Thursdays.  But I
don't want to have meetings revolve around my schedule, since my
schedule can (and often does) change at a moment's notice.

Last weekend I also spent some time putting together a new PC which
will be a server running freebsd.  What I did was take a six-year-old
PC, and replace all the pieces except that I kept the original case.
I finally got the hardware together correctly on Sunday, and now I'm
just waiting for the 6.2-beta2 CD's to appear and I'll try an install.
Those were supposed to be generated this past weekend, but there has
been a few different issues come up which have apparently delayed that.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad at gilead.netel.rpi.edu
Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad at freebsd.org
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih at rpi.edu

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