[jobs] Senior Computer Systems Engineer position with growing online media company in McLean VA

Sean McColl Sean.Mccoll at Achieve-it.net
Mon Feb 6 09:04:08 EST 2012

We have a client in McLean VA looking to hire a Sr Computer Systems Engineer
who is strong in C programming and has experience with Linux Kernel
development. I've included the job description below. If you think you might
be interested, feel free to send your resume to sean at achieve-it.net.



Primary Responsibilities:

*	Measure performance of IO subsystems. Improve it.
*	Develop strategies for getting the most out of SSDs and other new
*	Provide changes to core OS software that balances the need for
improved performance with the need for a working customer serving production
*	Shepard appropriate patches upstream


Required Skills/Experience:

*	Extensive C programming experience
*	Familiar with common POSIX and Linux specific system calls
*	Proficient in Java or another language that targets the JVM
*	Understanding of Linux Kernel development
*	You know how TCP, UDP, and IP work
*	Ability to do self-directed work independently and in small teams
*	A degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, or a related
field or equivalent work experience


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