[nycbug-talk] from the Library

michael lists
Mon Apr 5 12:32:02 EDT 2004

Begin forwarded message:
Subject: from publisher Addison-Wesley/Prentice Hall PTR

> Addison-Wesley has just published the latest book by John Terpstra,
> Samba-Team guru!!  Terpstra's latest book is titled Samba-3 By Example:
> Practical Exercises to Succssful Deployment (ISBN 0131472216), which is
> the perfect complementary follow-up to his first book (Nov., 2003), "The
> Official Samba-3 HOWTO & Reference Guide".  
> To learn more immediately, you can visit Terpstra's homepage:
> www.informit.com/terpstra
> PUBBING APRIL 15: Prentice Hall PTR will publish the latest book by Arnold
> Robbins, well-known for his role as maintainer of the GNU awk (a.k.a
> "gawk" language), titled "Linux Programming By Example: The Fundamentals".
> (ISBN 0131429647) Early reviews of this book include: "This is an
> excellent introduction to Linux programming. The topics are well chosen
> and lucidly presented. I learned things myself, especially about
> internationalization, and I've been at this for quite a while."  
> -Chet Ramey, Coauthor and Maintainer of the Bash shell
> PUBBING APRIL 23: "The book you grew up with, has grown up too!"  Marc
> Rochkind's acclaimed text, "Advanced UNIX Programming", (ISBN 0131411543)
> first published in 1985, has been nearly completely rewritten by Rochkind,
> himself, to be updated with all the latest information on Linux, Darwin,
> MAC OS X and standardization. Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series
> will soon publish this Second Edition of "AUP", which promises to retain
> its status as a true classic. 
> PUBBING APRIL 23:  CALLING ALL MAC HACKS:  Another Second Edition of a
> former bestseller is about to publish!  Aaron Hillegass' Second Edition of
> "Cocoa Programming for MAC OS X", is updated for Xcode and Mac OS X 10.3
> and new chapters in this second edition include coverage of OpenGL,
> AppleScriptability, the undo manager, creating frameworks, and a brief
> introduction to using GNUstep on Linux. 
> PUBBING APRIL 23:  Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager by Mel
> Gorman will describe Virtual Memory in unprecedented detail, presenting
> both theoretical foundations and a line-by-line source code commentary. It
> systematically covers everything from physical memory description to
> out-of-memory management. A CD-ROM packaged with the book contains the
> author's new toolkit for exploring VM, including a browsable version of
> kernel source, CodeViz call graph generator; and VMRegress for analyzing
> and benchmarking VM. Also includes all code commentary in HTML, PDF, and
> plain text formats.


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