[nycbug-talk] Why BSD?

pete at nomadlogic.org pete
Fri Dec 3 19:18:14 EST 2004

> On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 pete at nomadlogic.org wrote:
>>> Dru's essay draws attention to the lingering question we probably all
>>> need to answer OUT LOUD.  I asked the question of the fledgeling NYCBUG
>>> list a year ago:
>>> http://lists.nycbug.org/pipermail/talk/2003-December/000047.html
>>> So, in that spirit we are going to build a page on the NYCBUG site that
>>> will hopefully help to answer "Why BSD?" as stated by NYCBUG members.
>>> Share with the world why you use BSD!  Go to the Submission page on
>>> NYCBUG (http://nycbug.org/index.php?NAV=Submission) and tell us all
>>> about it.  Please put "Why BSD" in the title.  We'll compile them and
>>> put them up on the web.
>> well i wrote a very eloquent treastie on why I prefer the BSD way...but
>> I
>> promptly ignored the 2000 char limit.  when i saw the end get cut off
>> after previewing it, i paniced and hit the back button which erased my
>> entire submission.  sigh, in retrospect maybe my endorsement is not a
>> good
>> thing if i can't clearly read instructions ;)
> Aaaaww... I don't think O'Reilly has a limit when you post a comment if
> you feel like trying to recapture some of that eloquence :-)
> Dru

cool.  when i get the egg off my face i'll make another go at it.  i also
have to wait until more people go home from work, don't wanna look like a
total slacker ;)



Pete Wright
email:  pete at nomadlogic.org
mobile: 917.415.9866
web:    www.nomadlogic.org/~pete

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