[nycbug-talk] just joined the list...

Greg Faber greg
Mon Dec 20 15:48:53 EST 2004

Hi everyone,

We're using FreeBSD at work here (courtesy no doubt of Pete Wright) and 
I have a question for the group.

On Friday, I typed a few basic commands like:

$>sudo rm -rf untitled\ folder

after typing this I got no new prompt, nothing. I couldn't ctrl-c to 
cancel the command or anything. I couldn't type any new commands 
either. Not knowing what to do, I closed my terminal window and 
re-ssh'd into it, hoping that I could just kill whatever process might 
still be running. I did "ps" and sure enough the process was still 
there so I tried to kill it. That didn't work so I tried sudo kill -9 
and that didn't work and actually added the process to the list of 
running processes. So now I have a bunch of processes that are still 
running and I don't know how to get rid of them. It's pissing me off... 
Here's the readout from ps:
backupman at archiver ~ > ps
54649  p2- D      0:00.01 sudo rm untitled folder/
54662  p2- D      0:00.01 sudo rm -rf untitledfolder/
54814  p2- D      0:00.01 sudo mv writers reel.ai writers_reel.ai
54838  p2- D      0:00.00 /bin/csh /backup/tools/backup_DLT /dev/nsa0 
54857  p2- D      0:00.01 sudo kill -9 54649
54921  p2- D      0:00.00 /bin/csh /backup/tools/backup_DLT 
58543  p2  Ss     0:00.02 -tcsh (tcsh)
58581  p2  R+     0:00.00 ps

so if anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.


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