[nycbug-talk] www site. . .

G. Rosamond george
Sun Feb 8 09:39:02 EST 2004

the site has been updated to include a few things.

the past events section now includes last wednesday's meeting, with wes
and jason's notes, pictures from felix and michael's mp3 files. .
.(streaming works but the d/l doesn't yet).

the other michael is moving forward with the new site, so we can look
forward to that in the next few weeks.  michael, you may want to post
status on this list.  and put out another call for volunteers.

additionally, michael and i are attending the "orgcom" this afternoon,
the attempt to organize a technical conference.  again, it is composed
of two delegates from each user group, tech assoc, etc in the nyc metro
area.  the beginnings were pretty sloppy, but it seems like more sober
heads are setting the tone now.  we will update all after the meeting
with the status on this project.

jeremy sohn from wasabi has promised me a netbsd/embedded system
engineer for the march meeting.  however, we need to have a backup and
additional speakers for future meetings.  please email me on or offlist
with not just topics, but speakers.

we will make adjustments for a larger facility for the next meeting
also, whether at sagesecure again or elsewhere.  this will be dealt with
sooner than later.


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