[nycbug-talk] reply-munging (was: www revision)

Isaac Levy ike
Mon Jan 26 22:04:17 EST 2004

On Jan 26, 2004, at 2:35 PM, G. Rosamond wrote:
> you know vi is *the* way to go. . .

/me chucks empty sake ceraffe across Brooklyn at G's head, with a rude 
ascii-art hand-gesture stuffed inside, written using pico (just 
because) ;)

On a more constructive note, this is a link to that nifty 
Rendezvous/Zero-Conf enabled text editor for OSX that I beleive I 
mentioned to some of the crew the other day...


It's pretty nifty- haven't really used it hardcore with others 
though... but makes an excellent minimal gui editor by itself.


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