[nycbug-talk] A bit more on xorg

Scott Robbins scottro
Thu Jun 3 12:02:32 EDT 2004

On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 11:14:05AM -0400, Pete Wright wrote:
> Scott Robbins wrote:
> >A day or so ago, I asked had anyone been playing with xorg.  Since then,
> >I've installed it on a few boxe--more out of boredom than any great
> >political reason, though one gets the general impression that further
> >advances in X will be through xorg rather than XFree.  
> >
> >
> >Anyway, hope this is of interest to someone--it's 3:30 am and a
> >headache is keeping me up so I feel like hearing myself type.   :)
> >
> execellent, do you happen to know the status of GL support with X.org?  
> I assume GL and things of that nature are on different layer than 
> XFree86.  Is that true?  Also, did your XFree86-4.conf file move over to 
> X.org w/o a hassle?

On my boxes (don't use KDE or Gnome, so don't know if it's a factor) I
have had XF86Config, not Config-4.  Xorg simply uses that config file,
though I should copy it over to xorgconfig or whatever it's called. (I
should probably not copy it till I know.)  :)

Since posting last night, I thought to myself, ok, let's do this one
last box, and have been running into problems.  :)  Still, 5 out of 6
went without difficulty.  I'm afraid I don't know the status of GL



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Xander: I can not stress enough how much I don't have plans. 
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