[nycbug-talk] July Installfest

pete wright pete
Thu Jun 17 22:59:05 EDT 2004

On Jun 17, 2004, at 10:15 PM, marco at metm.org wrote:

> At the risk of planning too far in advance...
> I want to announce the next installfest at my place on Friday, July
> 16th, that's ~10 days after the next meeting (so you guys don't burn
> out).
cool, i'll mark my calendar now

> I like the idea of having a bit of a specific topic along with general
> hands-on installing.  I'm open to suggestions.  Perhaps the Soekris
> boxen if you guys are still working at them.  Or pf if people can get
> that working.

yea i'm sure we can think of some issues that need to be solved between 
now and then ;)


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