[nycbug-talk] Hello from Toronto !

pete wright pete
Sun Jun 27 12:08:55 EDT 2004

Matador wrote:

> Hello from us here with gtabug.ca -- Greater Toronto Area BSD UG
> We usually meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month at a downtown pizza parlour.
> And have lots of greasy meat filled/topping pizza w/ beer.
> Cheers,
> --Matador

hey i believe i got drunk with one of you guy's at BSDCan.  we tried to 
convince you all to take over the states and give us your healthcare 
system.  how's that going ;^)  seriously tho, how are things going for 
you all up there?  we have an IRC chan open on freenode.net you should 
swing by:

i like your site, who is that a pic of on your front page?


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