[nycbug-talk] USB External HDD on FreeBSD 5.3

Kevin Reiter tux
Mon Apr 18 01:32:47 EDT 2005


I'm having a problem getting a USB 2.0 external hard drive working on 
5.3  I've Googled for some answers and only found 1 reference on the 
FreeBSD mailing lists, and other obscure references to USB cameras and 
other misc devices.  To cut to the chase, here's the portion of dmesg 
that shows the device:

usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0: VIA UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhid0: STD AxisPad, rev 1.01/10.01, addr 2, iclass 3/0
umass0: ADS Technologies lnc. USB2.0 Storage Device, rev 2.00/0.01, addr 3
umass0: Get Max Lun not supported (STALLED)


da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <WDC WD80 0JB-00FMA0 \\0000\\0000> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-0 device
da0: 1.000MB/s transfers
da0: 76319MB (156301488 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 9729C)

I've compiled all the required USB/SCSI devices according to both the 
Handbook and other references into the kernel, but when I run:

# usbdevs -d

.. I get this:

addr 1: UHCI root hub, VIA
  addr 2: AxisPad, STD
addr 1: UHCI root hub, VIA
addr 1: UHCI root hub, VIA
addr 1: EHCI root hub, VIA
  addr 2: USB2.0 Storage Device, ADS Technologies lnc.

which shows the USB 2.0 drive.  However, when I run:

# pciconf -l -v

.. I get this (only the USB portion listed):

uhci0 at pci0:16:0:	class=0x0c0300 card=0x80a11043 chip=0x30381106 rev=0x80 
     vendor   = 'VIA Technologies Inc'
     device   = 'VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (All VIA Chipsets)'
     class    = serial bus
     subclass = USB
uhci1 at pci0:16:1:	class=0x0c0300 card=0x80a11043 chip=0x30381106 rev=0x80 
     vendor   = 'VIA Technologies Inc'
     device   = 'VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (All VIA Chipsets)'
     class    = serial bus
     subclass = USB
uhci2 at pci0:16:2:	class=0x0c0300 card=0x80a11043 chip=0x30381106 rev=0x80 
     vendor   = 'VIA Technologies Inc'
     device   = 'VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (All VIA Chipsets)'
     class    = serial bus
     subclass = USB
none3 at pci0:16:3:	class=0x0c0320 card=0x80a11043 chip=0x31041106 rev=0x82 
     vendor   = 'VIA Technologies Inc'
     device   = 'VT6202 USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller'
     class    = serial bus
     subclass = USB

..which only shows USB 1.1 loaded/active, and no module for 2.0 loaded.

I've posted dmesg.txt, pciconf.txt, the kernel file (Olympus) and 
usbdevs.txt to http://www.unixfun.net/bsd/ if anyone wants to examine 
the entire contents to see if I'm missing something.



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