[nycbug-talk] FBSD 5.4 jails. . .

George R. george
Mon Apr 18 23:31:24 EDT 2005

On Apr 18, 2005, at 11:26 PM, Isaac Levy wrote:

> On Apr 18, 2005, at 11:20 PM, George R. wrote:
>> I don't know if I didn't get that far in the man page for jail (8) 
>> before, but there's some funky new lock-downs and configurability.
>> These are all for /etc/sysctl.conf in the host or master jail. . .
>> security.jail.set_hostname_allowed=0 	#individual jails can't set 
>> hostnames
>> security.jail.allow_raw_sockets=1	#allows raw sockets for ping, 
>> traceroute, etc. . . it's =0 by default, so this can be a downgrade 
>> in security
>> Anyway, jailing in FBSD 5.3 was kind of a mess, but it seems that 
>> things are back on track. . . phew.
>> George
> Even niceties like top are working aok now too!  :)

Some of us have discussed informally before, but I'd still like to see 
an easy-to-do method of upgrading src and ports in the jails without a 

Shall we reopen that discussion. . .??


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