[nycbug-talk] BSD on a desktop (revisited)

Scott Robbins scottro
Fri Aug 5 15:47:35 EDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 03:03:39PM -0400, Kevin Reiter wrote:
> pete wright wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > (aterm, rxvt etc.).  granted i'm also a huge fan of xterm...but as far
> > as one of the first things i install on a new personal workstation is
> > konsole.
> On that note, I'd like to speak up for Eterm.  I've been using since the
> first day I discovered Enlightenment, which was the first day I installed
> Linux (before discovering BSD :) although I don't realy use Enlightenment
> anymore since discovering Fluxbox.  Eterm works great with just about
> everything, and I like the backgrounds (I've replaced the defaults to use
> one of the 600+ Digital Blasphemy images I have randomly) and the ability
> to have a borderless window for viewing logs and such.

 I use fluxbox with aterm and editing $HOME/.fluxbox/apps allows me to
have it borderless.  At times, I will make it totally transparent with a
fade for an unused window, so it looks as if it's just loose text
floating around my screen.  There will be a slightly darker area where
the unfocused window sits. 

Although rxvt allows similar effects, I find aterm faster--and that is
totally subjective, no I cannot prove it.  :)  So, I'm casting my vote
for aterm.  Kev, Eterm allows borderless, regardless of WM?

Heh, maybe we should start having polls on the website.  

And, ~I~ like zsh as my shell.  

- -- 


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