[nycbug-talk] mysql lisc. question

Pete Wright pete
Fri Feb 4 19:00:45 EST 2005

On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 06:49:48PM -0500, Marc Spitzer wrote:

> Iff the licence states that all code must be gpled to dodge the fees
> then gpl said software but only make it available, in binary or source
> form, to authorized internal users.  basically you are only releasing
> things internally.  That is the gpl, now if mysql is adding other
> clauses such that you must make it publicly available then that is a
> different matter.  Also remember when the client libs went from lgpl,
> which they swore would always be lgpl, to gpl.  With behavior like
> that who is to say what they will decide to do if they smell a buck. 
> You may be in compliance with the free license until they change it
> and then you owe them some money.   Look at postgres 8.0 looks very
> nice.

unfortunatly it looks like a couple recent emails havn't hit the archive
yet i'll quote them here...

"The MySql Rep. explained to me that by installing the database on more
that one computer, even if it is for you own use, it is considered a
distributed piece of software and should be licenced."

Yet according to another poster this is stated on MySQL AB's site:

"Free use for those who never copy, modify or distribute.
As long as you never distribute the MySQL Software in any
way, you are free to use it for powering your application,
irrespective of whether your application is under GPL
license or not."

> marc
> ps mysql has lots of nice people working for them, some are even on
> this list.  But there management is not trustworthy IMO.

hey i like mysql personally...i'm just a bit confused by the legaleese..


Peter Wright
pete at nomadlogic.org

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