[nycbug-talk] shared hosting

Marc Spitzer mspitzer
Tue Jan 25 11:02:46 EST 2005

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 17:34:58 -0500, G. Rosamond <george at sddi.net> wrote:
> GeekISP, Loftmail/BizIntegrators, NY Internet. . . then Pilosoft the
> Linux one with heavy-duy Alex. . .

I vote for keeping it a BSD resource and encouriging the linux people
to keep there own list, that we can link to.  And they can link to
ours as well.

> There are others, but I can't remember off the top of my head . . .
> At some point, I would also like to see free jails or shared virtual
> hosting provided free to NYC*BUG members by somebody. . . either the
> firm donates and manages for us, or we have a box they host for us, and
> we run the box, provide jails, etc. . .
> MS: other services to include. . .?  EMail/WWW hosting, ISP, etc. . .

I kinda like the xen, think opensource vmware, approach that Sunny
mentioned for the tech.   And if people want nycbug.org email
addresses we should be able to help them out with aliases at least.

> Criteria to get on the list. . ? Free/Open Source or BSD-only?

BSD, see above

> This is a use for the BSD Tracker app that we really haven't pushed
> enough. . .
> g

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