[nycbug-talk] latest blog

Scott Robbins scottro
Sun Jul 17 13:39:05 EDT 2005

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On Sun, Jul 17, 2005 at 11:51:18AM -0400, Dru wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jul 2005, Scott Robbins wrote:
> >Personally, I think that as your blogs are considered (albeit
> >unofficially) one of the best sources of BSD docs on the net that it
> >would be great if you did.  Neither the ln -s aj /etc/malloc.conf nor
> >the make cleanworld are, as I said, mentioned in UPDATING, and last time
> >I checked the handbook, I didn't see them mentioned there either.
> >Sorry if I sounded grouchy---I had spent 45 minutes googling for
> >something stupid that should have been in another doc (imho) and so was
> >looking for a place to vent.   :)
> >Anyway, yes, I think that these two things should get mentioned,
> >especially because, as I said, your blogs are considered one of the more
> >important references outside of the official docs.
> Here's a thought: submit your PR, send me the # and I'll add it to the blog 
> along with a little explanation about the mailing list posts...

You guys (Dru and Dan) shamed me into it--there's actually a typo at the
end of the PR--I sent the patch and in the pr section how to workaround
I typed, err, google?  Which  came out in the online PR looking
as if it's part of the patch, but I suspect if they decide 
to use it, they'll figure that part out. 


- -- 

Scott Robbins

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