[nycbug-talk] Quick question

Daniel Gonzalez dgonzo
Mon Jun 13 07:52:13 EDT 2005

Does any one if it's possible to scan a windows PC for viruses from a 
FreeBSD box?
Of course both boxes are on the same lan in a closed network. My FreeBSD 
box is running 5.4RC2.
The Windows box is running Win2kPro.

Here's my uname:

[dgonzo at REDE2SRV:~] uname -a
FreeBSD REDE2SRV 5.4-RC2 FreeBSD 5.4-RC2 #0: Mon Apr 25 10:53:34 EDT 
2005     dgonzo at REDE2SRV.cablevision.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/DAN1  i386

I vaguely rememeber reading aout it somewhere, but I think it was in Dru 
Lavigne's "BSD Hacks", of which I no longer own a copy. (One of my co 
workers saw it , asked to read it and refuses to give it up).

If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would be very grateful.

Dan Gonzalez
Senior Maintenance Engineer
Cablevision Lightpath

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