[nycbug-talk] network diversity

pete wright nomadlogic
Fri Jun 24 11:40:08 EDT 2005

On 6/23/05, Marc Spitzer <mspitzer at gmail.com> wrote:
> did not read those articles yet, I have read others in the past.  Will
> read later
> On 6/23/05, George R. <george at sddi.net> wrote:
> > And when it comes to desktops, you obviously can't have diversity
> > between them, but rather within them, meaning not going the whole MS
> > suite from Office to IE, and not various desktop OSs and configuration.
> I don't know if I agree, training costs money and time lost from work
> also costs money.  The real question is is it cheaper to take the hit
> every now and again, office gets herpes and dies, or to have lots of
> ongoing costs training people up to speed in multiple office suites?
> Once you get out of the most basic tasks all of them do things
> differently/ put stuff under different menus etc.  And you have to be
> able to exchange docs as well, a whole different pain in the neck.

I agree the desktop thing is pretty tricky.  I think the real issue is
in how most large org's deploy end user systems.  Does every
secretary/data-entry/accountant need a full blown desktop system? 
Where we onto something back in the day of terminals attached to large
mainframes for most business users (or atleast thin clients)?  I think
a configuration like that is closer to a homogeneous environment than
keeping everyone on the same rev. of Office/IE, in fact giving each
user a standalone environment like seems to be the current practice
would be closer to a *heterogeneous* environment IMO.


Pete Wright
NYC's *BSD User Group

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