[nycbug-talk] screen configs for mac

Charles Sprickman spork
Wed Jun 29 13:54:00 EDT 2005

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Tillman Hodgson wrote:

> I tried iTerm again this morning -- Fn-PageUp and PageDn don't work in
> irssi either. That makes my scrollback buffer somewhat difficult to use.

Odd. I don't do irc, but I do use silc, which I believe is built with 
irssi, and a plain "pg-up" and "pg-down" will work as one would expect 
them to.

I'm also quite fond of the "open URL in browser" feature.  Of course I 
also need my virtual desktops and being able to drag terminals to other 
desktop, so I run CodeTek's VD as well.


> -T
> -- 
> In a corrupt age, when prayers are not answered, that itself is the answer.
> 	Muso Kokushi
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