[nycbug-talk] apache13-modssl and mod_perl from ports

Daniel Krook krook
Thu Mar 10 17:15:13 EST 2005

> [Thu Mar 10 16:53:56 2005] [warn] Loaded DSO libexec/apache/libperl.so 
> plain Apache 1.3 API, this module might crash under EAPI! (please 
> it with -DEAPI)

You'll get that message when you have an Apache compiled with mod_ssl, as 
you do there from ports.   Consensus seems to be that's it's safe to 
ignore.  I had a similar issue with some modules I added a couple of weeks 


Daniel Krook, Advisory IT Specialist - Application Development
WW Web Production Services North 2, ibm.com

Personal: http://info.krook.org/
BluePages: http://w3.ibm.com/bluepages?searchcnum=9A9796897

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