[nycbug-talk] problems with email

Okan Demirmen okan
Mon Mar 14 18:59:50 EST 2005

On Mon 2005.03.14 at 12:00 -0800, pete wright wrote:
> 2) While I am in the process of dealing with broken email, I've done
> some research into using cyrus instead of courier as my imapd.  Seems
> like it should address some of the performace issues I've noticed
> recently.  I've not been able to find any info on google on migrating
> from Maildir/Courier to cyrus.  Is this a job for fetchmail?

while this may not be an answer you are looking for, have you ever 
considered dovecot for imap?


Okan Demirmen <okan at demirmen.com>
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