[nycbug-talk] IBM Anti-UCE. . .
Okan Demirmen
Tue Mar 22 09:50:30 EST 2005
On Tue 2005.03.22 at 09:19 -0500, G. Rosamond wrote:
> IBM looking to focus on anti-uce, will have spam bounced to sender.
> http://money.cnn.com/2005/03/22/technology/ibm_spam/index.htm?cnn=yes
> With Apple Mail, this can be done manually. . .
> But of course what isn't mentioned is that a huge amount of spam out
> there is from *spoofed* accounts, so I've already been getting spam
> that is from my spoofed mail domain.
not sure you read that correctly. it will not bounce to sender, but
rather, as the paper states, "to the computer that sent the mail."
this is along the lines of openbsd's spamd(8), but they imply they
"bounce" the mail, while spamd(8) merely rejects it very very slowly.
correct me if i mis-read :)
Okan Demirmen <okan at demirmen.com>
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