[nycbug-talk] Comcast/Optimum Online, Postfix, and OpenBSD (WAS (No Subject))

Kevin Reiter tux
Tue Mar 22 18:26:29 EST 2005

On Mar 22, 2005, at 6:07 PM, Jay Savage wrote:
>> I'm wondering if anyone else out there is using optimum online in the
>> tri-state area?  I recently switched from Earthlink DSL, and I'm
>> having a devil of a time getting my OpenBSD 3.6 box to relay mail.

They (OptOnline) block ports 25 and 80.  I had my mail server working 
fine for over a year, and one day it just stopped working.  It took me 
awhile to find out the reason behind it.  Unless you have one of their 
business packages, according to their license agreement, you're 
forbidden from running *any* servers.  Of course, there's ways around 
that, but I haven't found a port redirector for mail yet...

Real PITA if you ask me, but since I can't get DSL (too far from the CO) 
it's my only option here in northern Jersey.  If anyone manages to find 
a way around this problem, I'd appreciate being kept in the loop.


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