[nycbug-talk] Sun, Microsoft Red Hat and Open Source

pete wright nomadlogic
Wed Mar 30 13:23:32 EST 2005

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 07:01:01 -0500, Matthew Terenzio <matt at jobsforge.com> wrote:
> It claims Solaris, Microsoft and Red hat to be the dominating Operating
> Systems headed for an epic battle.
> http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?
> articleID=159907676

"Sun stakes out a role as being the only company "truly committed to
open source as a means of driving innovation and adoption," according
to president Schwartz."

and yet java is closed source (despite the repeated claims that they
will...then won't...then will open up java), and they have given how
much support to the BSD community?

I'm sorry, while I do respect the hardware and software engineers at
Sun whenever I hear Jason Schwartz get quoted it just leaves a bad
taste in my mouth.


Pete Wright
NYC's *BSD User Group

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