[nycbug-talk] got hardware?
Okan Demirmen
Thu May 5 23:12:35 EDT 2005
Greetings all.
As you all may know by now, NYI has graciously donated us bandwidth and space.
We are actively looking for projects in which we, collectively, would like to
support. See my past mail about any projects you feel you'd like on the list.
However, we have a small catch-22 ;) We have space, power and bandwidth and
little to put in there. Wondering if anyone has any machines they'd like to
donate, solely for the purposes of NYCBUG. The donated servers will go to use
as our mail/www/firewall/dns/etc services. We have one decent server coming in
to be used as our main www/sql server and possibly another older one.
Initially, what we need are 2 medium powered boxes to do some firewalling and
bandwidth shaping for us. We will be hosting other projects' boxes, so we need
to control it somewhat. Since space will be at a premium, 1u - 2u boxes would
be much appreciated. The boxes don't need to be anything new either, just
something circa 2000. But we won't turn away much ;)
Of course we don't expect anyone to go out and buy anything (unless you really
really really want to), but we're asking our members if they, or more
importantly, their employers have anything to donate. We will work with
whomever to make sure they get credit for their donations (i.e. mentions on
our website).
Okan Demirmen <okan at demirmen.com>
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