[nycbug-talk] gpl on /.

Chris Clymer cclymer
Mon Oct 3 04:05:54 EDT 2005

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Are you actually arguing that software is more secure if its
closed-source?  I thought that history had done a pretty good job of
disproving this.

That said, this stuff about the GPL3 is defintly interesting.  What if i
have a db.inc file in my web app full of sensitive information?  Can i
put just that file under a different license?  Its still PHP code thats
part of the same app...

Marc Spitzer wrote:
> On 10/1/05, Marco Scoffier <marco at metm.org> wrote:
>>On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 01:20:04AM -0400, Marc Spitzer wrote:
>>>think of it as the difference between a locked door and a locked door
>>>with the key taped to it.
>>It is equivalent to making the plans for how the lock was made publicly
>>available.  The key is not made public.
>>You are are full of confusing and downright faulty analogies.
> The funny thing about analogies is that they are *all* wrong by
> definition, one of my favorite's is 22/7.
> Now would you have preferred a paper sack full of keys, exploits, to a
> number of doors, that may or may not lead to different places, db
> access or shell account or nothing useful,  more pedantic stuff
> follows?
> And yes the first guy to figure it out will need to have some skill to
> do it, but the first guy he tells, or gives a canned exploit to, does
> not.
> marc
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          Chris Clymer - Chris at ChrisClymer.com
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