[nycbug-talk] apache on freebsd

Jonathan nycbug-list at 2xlp.com
Thu Aug 24 23:55:16 EDT 2006

Well, FWIW, I figured out my problem-- Apache was sharing memory fine.

Every OS just seems to handle reporting shared memory in a completely  
different , fucking retarded, way from one another.

When memory is Copy-On-Write, its even worse.  Not one gives any real  
clue as to what the actual shared vs private memory is.

After a few hours profiling my app with FreeBSD , OS X and Ubuntu,  
some friends on the modperl list suggested i just stop non-essential  
services and keep maxing out apache instances until my server starts  
to die from swapping.    (btw, Ubuntu is actually pretty nice.  its  
kind of like debian, but is actually maintained.  no more  
'experimental' on every port.  there are a few things assbackwards  
about it, but its incredibly usable),

anyways, that worked.  monitoring total physical memory and swap use,  
and increasing / using processes i found out that despite reporting  
at 55mb each, my mod_perl instances were more like 10-12, and pulled  
in  a shared memory imprint of about 47mb.  apache, before any mod- 
perl use, was clocking in at about 2.5mb of memory each process.  on  
first request, about 9mb of private gets allocated per process.   
anything using DBI adds another 1mb minimum to each child ( DBI  
caches a lot of random stuff privately ), and most requests add some  
more random stuff.  Sadly, libgtop, getrusage, and ps and top were  
pretty much worthless in their stats.

// Jonathan Vanasco

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