[nycbug-talk] no more jails

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Jul 14 19:46:02 EDT 2006

On Jul 14, 2006, at 4:36 PM, George R. wrote:

> N.J. Thomas wrote:
>> * Isaac Levy <ike at lesmuug.org> [2006-07-14 13:01:37 -0400]:
>>> 2) DEFCON Who's going to DefCon?
>>> http://defcon.org/
>>> I'm speaking (my last lecture ever on jails)
>> May I ask why?
> Why is he going to defcon?
> why is he speaking?
> why is he speaking on jails?
> his talk was accepted, and it's certainly defcon related.
> And the whole capture-the-flags game last year was based on jails.

He was probably asking why this is the last time Ike plans to give a  
talk on jails...


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