[nycbug-talk] Network Performance Testing

Brant I. Stevens branto at branto.com
Sun Mar 19 12:36:58 EST 2006

ping -f will send packets out as fast as the box can.  Additionally, check
out http://www.net100.org (seems to be down for me at the moment).  TTCP may
also be of use.


On 3/16/06 8:55 AM, "Jim Brown" <jpb at sixshooter.v6.thrupoint.net> wrote:

> Hi All,
> A friend is trying to stress a gig-E interface.
> He doesn't have a SmartBits box, and is trying to use
> BSD to generate lots of traffic.
> How would you generate a traffic flood?
> fping? chargen?  We need the best flodding possible.
> And how would you set it up with the least latency?
> If other FOSS  solutions are available, let me know.
> Thanks,
> Jim B.
> PS- Yes this is a lab.  No we are not flooding the Net.
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