[nycbug-talk] Virtual Call Center Experiences

Massimiliano Stucchi stucchi at willystudios.com
Fri May 26 16:46:58 EDT 2006

On 260506, 13:25, Isaac Levy wrote:
> Has anyone (ISP people here) used these kinds of services?  Any  
> recommendations?

Just throw in a small machine, install asterisk on it, buy a DID from
any vendor out there and with ~20 lines of dialplan you're done.

If you give me more details on what you would like to achieve, I may
give you some direct help.

Ciao !

Massimiliano Stucchi, CTO & Director of Operations
WillyStudios.com - IT Consulting, Web and VoIP Services
stucchi at willystudios.com | Tel (+39) 0244417203 | Fax (+39) 0244417204
IT-20040, Carnate (Milano), via Carducci 9
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