[nycbug-talk] Fwd: php scripts from crontab

Matthew Terenzio matt at jobsforge.com
Mon Oct 30 20:14:58 EST 2006


except I always forget to reply all. ; ) read below

> Whoah!  I think I owe you several pints of soda pop geroge.
> I'd just like to get on record that this list has been and continue to 
> be the best. And so does BSD!\
> On Oct 30, 2006, at 8:05 PM, George R. wrote:
>> Matthew Terenzio wrote:
>>> Anyone have any experience running PHP scripts from /etc/crontab
>>> The cron log  shows it's happening but it seems like it's shooting
>>> blanks.
>>> The same command works perfectly when I just run it manually from the
>>>  command line.
>>> php /path/to/script/cron.php
>> 1.  post cron job
>> 2.  use full path for php
>> g

Matt Terenzio
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