[nycbug-talk] Fw: Recovering partition table and ntfs filesystem (intact) (on and off-topic)

Dru dlavigne6 at sympatico.ca
Sun Sep 3 09:15:33 EDT 2006

On Sun, 3 Sep 2006, Trish Lynch wrote:

> Sent to wrong address....
> ------Original Message------
> To: talk at nycbug.org
> Sent: Sep 2, 2006 10:45 PM
> Subject: Recovering partition table and ntfs filesystem (intact) (on and off-topic)
> I accidentally deleted the partition table of the wrong drive that contains 15,000 dollars worth of encoded cds that have been lost in moves or opacked in boxes and such and would take more then that type of investment to re-encode.
> I lost the backup of it last week in a machine crash, and I was attempting to rebuild it when I deleted the wrong disk partition table (I just had a back surgery, teach me to dfo stuff on drugs)
> Is there any way to recover the partition table and the intact ntfs partition on there? Or do I have to send it out to be recovered? (Which is more than I can afford right now, I cannot believe I lost all my music *grrrrr*))

If this was UFS (I'm assuming it is NTFS....) this is a lifesaver:


Not sure if this one will be useful in your case:



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