[nycbug-talk] Analyzing malicious SSH login attempts

Okan Demirmen okan at demirmen.com
Wed Sep 13 13:09:01 EDT 2006

On Wed 2006.09.13 at 12:08 -0400, Isaac Levy wrote:
> Actually, one cool use I've applied in a pinch with great success, is  
> to use un-passphrase keys for 'robot users' to run quick and dirty  
> operations between machines.  Essentially, creating underprivileged  
> user accounts who possess keys without passphrases, allows one to  
> setup funky cron jobs to shuffle data, or run commands, over ssh.   
> e.g. 'myrobotuser' can ssh files between machines nightly, or get ps  
> statistics from the other machine every few minutes, or whatever.

and to simply add to this...use options within AuthorizedKeysFile!

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