[nycbug-talk] [Potentially Spam] Re: IPv6 NY-US Roll Call

Miles Nordin carton at Ivy.NET
Sat Apr 7 15:05:53 EDT 2007

>>>>> "jj" == James Jun <james at towardex.com> writes:

    jj> the '404' of URLs happened as we upgrade our web sites.

well, here's the politech post:


the URL's worked when I submitted it to Declan, and they quit working
a few hours after you discovered it.  Also, one of the URLs was for an
irc log on my web server, and you privately asked me to 404 it because
it embarassed you, and I did.  You're welcome!  

Then I accidentally brought it back a year later because of a CVS
screwup, and you asked me to remove it again, and I did.  Sorry about

Anyway it was a long time ago so I'm almost embarassed to remember it
more clearly than you, so sorry to drag it up again.  It's just that
I'm still kind of upset and distrustful after the whole experience

I guess I'm often a little abrasive and absolutist to a fault in all
of these geek groups, but I seem to get along much better with NetBSD
and NYCBUG people than netadmin people, whether it's at conferences or
OCCAID or ISP sales guys or even job interviews.  

I interviewed for a Cisco spot once, and the guy must have taken five
phone calls, right in front of me, at a 1-hour interview.  I was like
``ha ha, that's uh, not funny.''  He got all puffed up and defensive
when I suggested something about his WAN might not be optimal, while
it seems like a Unix guy would either tell me why he did it, or say
``yeah that makes sense.  Oh well, always so much to do.'' or both.
He cut me off with ``yeah yeah yeah that's good enough'' in the middle
of answers.  I felt totally unfree to volunteer things or be casual
and honest.  i dunno, for me a very different and unfriendly culture.

Except Alex and the Quagga people---they're easy to get along with.
so I guess I will hang out here until I find a better way back into
the world of network stuff.
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