[nycbug-talk] OT: cheap usenet

N.J. Thomas njt at ayvali.org
Wed Jul 25 18:20:40 EDT 2007

* Marc Spitzer <mspitzer at gmail.com> [2007-07-25 18:08:26 -0400]:
> > access: I must be able to access it via FreeBSD/slrn -- I don't want
> > to jump through any proprietary-OS authentication schemes.
> I use lonestar.org, http://sdf.lonestar.org/index.cgi can not beat the
> price.

Hi Marc, thanks for the info.

Does SDF allow access to their NNTP server from the outside? Their
(possibly dated) online documentation seems to indicate that you can
only use tin/trn from within their system or access their server via Pine
from a host within SDF. Is this correct?


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